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How to tell a story on a web page

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Telling a story on your website using visual, textual and even audible methods can increase the effectiveness of your website and even make it go viral. The design is the most important part as it needs to compel the audience to want to see more. For many clients,  the story is on one single page perhaps showing from A to Z how their customers benefit from their service, the company history through out the years or perhaps how a product is manufactured from design to delivery.

=1= Visual:

With the price of high resolution and high quality photographs being more affordable than ever before, one can purchase and use such background images to illustrate each part of the story. At Business Website Center, we like the power of full screen background images. This is a great technique but the images have to be the right ones and of high quality. Using your own photos is even better but again they would need to be of high quality and relevant to the story line.

=2= Textual:

The right copy is also key to a successful story telling on the web. Choosing the right text should be based on your target audience’s reading style and personality as well as how you want to portrait your company. If your audience is highly corporate and white collar, you would need to choose professional terms that the visitors will understand and relate to. A younger or trendy audience may want to read more casual text that match better their everyday manner of speaking and lifestyle.

The textual content can be a mixture of titles, paragraphs, and calls-t-o-action

=3= Audio:

In some instances, you may also use audio to add music or even a narration. Sound on websites is not something we often  recommend but when the main purpose of the page or site is to tell a story, it can add great value if done tastefully.

Choosing a good narrator is very important and often times hiring a professional is not only affordable but worth every penny. Good voice talents know how to pace their reading, accentuate certain words, play with their voice to render the exact feeling you want your visitors to have when they go through the story.

=4= Example of a good story telling:

To  better understand what a good story telling looks like on a website, we encourage you to visit iFly50. This site uses a method that has all three elements: Visual + Text + Audio. A visitor can use the scroll of their mouse to be taken to the next slide. On some websites, you can also add an arrow or a simple scroll bar or space bar.

If you are considering a story for your site, we would be happy to have a conversation with you to see how it can benefit your website’s efficiency.

You can watch our video below

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