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Mailto links no longer working after upgrading to Windows 10

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Mailto is the universal code for linking to a specific email address on a website without having an actual contact form. It is commonly used and the way it is handled depends on the settings of your Internet browser. If you recently upgraded to Windows 10, you may have noticed that links to email (aka web email handlers) are no longer working on all the websites you visit including yours.

That is because, when upgrading, Windows 10 did not set a default for your Mailto setting so it simply does not know what to do with the link. The default may have been there before but the upgrade messed it up.

To fix the issue is simple, got to Applications for your browser of choice and find the one named “mailto” just as shown in the screenshot below. In Firefox, enter “about:preferences#applications” into one of your browser tabs and that will take you there directly.

mailto issues
Issue: Mailto not working after upgrading to Windows 10

In the dropdown, select your choice.  We typically choose “Always Ask” but, if you are a die-heart fan of Gmail for instance, you can choose Gmail as your default.

Mailto no longer working and windows 10
Mailto Dropdown Default Options

As you can see it is not difficult to fix yet a bit annoying to have to do it. Once it is set there is no reason it should change again.

We hope this bit of technical information on “Mailto links no longer working” helped! If you have more questions, do not hesitate to email us on our Contact Form.

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