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How Google’s Panda plans to penalize your site

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Google has many algorithms at work that help it pick and choose which websites are ranked well on its search pages. We’ve heard about the Penguin algorithm, which would rank sites lower that used excessive link exchanges, the Hummingbird algorithm which made the major shift from the focus on key words, to useful content, but now Google’s Panda 4.0 has rolled out and is making big changes to how sites are being ranked.

Google’s Panda has been prowling the internet for about 3 weeks now, and is making judgments on how genuine and useful your website’s content is. Many sites that have established themselves, but are light on content, are feeling the sting of seeing their ranking drop compared to more useful sites. The internet has named this phenomenon being “Panda slapped.”

Google Panda 4.0
Like we’ve been saying for months, your website must make the transition from being keyword heavy and light on content, to being focused on giving the visitor exactly what they are looking for: Useful information. Google’s algorithms are becoming smarter and smarter as time goes on, and you no longer need to leave clues all over your site for Google to know how to categorize you. They are somehow reading and comprehending the text on your site with their algorithms and are able to make a judgment call right there on how to rank you.

Avoid being Panda slapped by making sure your content is up to par. Have it reviewed and edited by a professional copywriter that knows what you need to do to avoid the Panda, and gain favor with the Hummingbird. If you’re worried that your site might not be up to snuff, have Business Website Center appraise it today.


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Never hesitate to contact our friendly team by phone at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time) or by email here. Have a successful day!

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