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Do your employees’ Social Media activity impact your business and labor law?

petaluma website design

**Disclaimer: The following is not intent to provide legal advice. If you have any questions about labor law, you would need to contact either a government agency or a labor law attorney. A lot of the state and federal agencies have started to seriously address what an employer can use or not when making employment decisions for their existing staff or prospective employees. The EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) and the NLRB (National La...

Social Media Integration Online Webinar

website design

We invite you to join us every Thursday at 9:45am PST and meet on Google Hangout for a weekly webinar. Our company is a guest speaker on Virginie Dorn and Ryan Perry's Hangout. This week was about understanding how to best integrate your social media platforms and efforts onto your company website. It is important that both your site and your social media campaigns support each other as much as possible. In this webinar they explain the different ways to make...

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