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What is the “s” at the end of https?

website design

Whenever you see a website with https instead of http, it indicates that this site has a SSL certificate. If you are unsure if your own website has a SSL installed or not, simply add a "s" after the http. For instance, visit or (replace DomainHere with your own domain name). If you see a security warning, it means that there is no SSL and that visitor should use http instead. =1= What is a SSL?...

Is a website tax deductible?

website design

Disclaimer: Understand that we are not licensed to provided legal, tax, or accounting advice. Please consult a licensed and expert person for any tax related questions. A client called us last week asking if the cost of developing his website was tax deductible. We had always assume that everyone knew it was indeed a tax deduction for their business. Yes, as of today, developing, upgrading, or maintaining a website will typically go under your marketing expenses or capital expenses...

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