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Payment options for a eCommerce website

website design

A website is called eCommerce whenever you accept payments on your website. Payments could be for your customers to pay for products they buy on your website. It could be for services rendered or pre-payments for rental equipment. It could also be for a membership of some sort. And finally accepting payments could be for donations which is often the case for non-profit organizations. There are 3 ways to accept payments. They all have their pros and cos and the one you choose ...

Using testimonials effectively on a website

website design

Testimonials are very important to your company, your website and your prospective customers. They provide countless benefits. First, they help support your sales speech and good reviews build trust. This is especially important online since there is no human contact and you only get one chance to make a good impression and "grab" the prospective client. They also help the prospective customers who is still unsure about using your products or services. In a nutshell you should remember the fo...

What makes a FAQ page so valuable for your website

website design

The Frequently Asked Question page (also know as FAQ page) is often underutilized on websites. This page if used properly can offer great search engine optimization value and can also be used as a powerful marketing tools to help existing customers as well as a prospective clients. At the very least you should have half a dozen questions answered. If you are able to have more posted on this important page, there are many display options to choose from. One option is to categorize the question...

Summerizing your website designing

website design

“Summer-izing” is not a word, we know. We meant that there is value in giving a summer feel to your site. Believe it or not, websites have seasons too just like brick and mortar stores. Depending on your industry and target audience, you may want to consider adjusting your site’s visual display as well as textual content based on the season. This is especially true for retail businesses. For instance, if you sell sporting goods, you already know that during the summer time your...

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